"Kenny Wayne" Smith
Kenny is a compassionate leader that truly loves God's most valued creation, People. He loves helping others reach their God given destiny and works tirelessly to assure them of their potential in God while empowering them with greater revelation of the Savior. Apostle Kenny is joined in ministry by his wife, Shaquana Smith, and their three children, Calix, Kai and Joi
Shaquana J. Smith
A native of Forth Smith, Arkansas, a graduate of Grambling State University, and an accomplished professional. She is an amazing wife and mother. Shaquana gets the job done and loves to see excellence. Apostle Shaquana currently leads our Women's Ministry, "Daughters of Hope". Her leadership and ministry envelop every component of our vision to bring restoration, reconciliation, and the revelation of Jesus to everyone she ministers to.

Freddie & Danielle Williams
Assistant Pastors
Pastors Freddie and Danielle Williams have four children, Aria, Freddie, Brenden, and Penelope. They are full of a wealth of wisdom and lead with grace. Austin natives and sincere leaders after God's own heart. Both have multiple years of effective and efficient experience serving in several capacities of ministry from music, leadership, children, etc. to name a few areas.

Dacious & Alysha Alexander
Youth & Young Adult
Ages 12 - 27
Dacious and Alysha Alexander have a heart to see the will of God manifested in the lives of our Youth and Young Adult. They passionately serve God.
Our Young Adult "Yung Nation"(ages 18 - 27) will launch in Spring of 2024.
Our Youth (ages 12 - 17) will launch in Spring of 2024.
Dacious and Alysha Alexander have a heart to see the will of God manifested in the lives of our Youth and Young Adult. They passionately serve God.
Our Young Adult "Yung Nation"(ages 18 - 27) will launch in Spring of 2024.
Our Youth (ages 12 - 17) will launch in Spring of 2024.

Victoria Boykins
Children's Ministry
Ages 3 - 11
Minister Victoria has worked as an Educator in Elementary school for over 7 years but loves pouring God's love into the children's hearts. She sees children as important in the kingdom of God and sees their souls as important. Recently Victoria graduated with her Master's degree, from the University of Texas in Austin, Texas. She has served in ministry for over 12 years.
Minister Victoria has worked as an Educator in Elementary school for over 7 years but loves pouring God's love into the children's hearts. She sees children as important in the kingdom of God and sees their souls as important. Recently Victoria graduated with her Master's degree, from the University of Texas in Austin, Texas. She has served in ministry for over 12 years.

Erica King
Administrative Assistant
Erica serves as the church Administrator and is one of the first point of contact for new Partners to our church. She loves family and is a trusted friend to many. Born and raised in Austin, Texas she has served in ministry for over 10 years in multiple roles, but serving the people of God is at the core of her heart.

Racheal Fraizer
Intercessors & Prophetic Team
Prophetess Racheal serves as our lead for the Intercessory Prayer Team and Prophetic Team. She is originally from Louisiana and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience. She leads with excitement, conviction, and the fear of the Lord. Prophetess and her husband Pastor Charles serve faithfully side by side along with their six kids.

Charles Frazier
Associate Pastor
Affectionally known as "Coach", Pastor Charles spearheads our men's ministry, "Sons of Hope". The years of experience coaching football and leading his team to championships on the field, Pastor Charles encourages our congregants to navigate through life with the leading of Holy Spirit. He and his wife, Prophetess Frazier, have 6 kids (Alysha, Rebecca, Nia-Mya, Charles, Johnathan, and Benjamin).

Ilonka Alexander
Ministry of Education
Dr. Ilonka serves as the Ministry of Education lead. She currently conducts our new partner's orientation.

Viola Chapman
Connections Ministry
Viola Chapman oversees our Connections Ministry, which is all ministry matters related to our guests and visitors. The ministry also helps to steward our facilities and beautification. Viola is originally from the state of Louisiana and has served in ministry in several areas including hospitality, ushering, care team, etc. to name a few.

Parmecia Jackson
H.O.P.E. Dance Ministry
Pastor Parmecia Jackson is the lead of our H.O.P.E. Dance Minsitry. She and her Husband, Pastor Julius Jackson are associate Pastors of HopeNation. They serve with great humility and compassion. Their entire family is a great blessing to our community of believers. They are blessed with 7 gifted children; Julius, Julian, Juliana, Julio, Judah, Julel and Jubilee.
Associate Pastors & Ministerial Team

Julius Jackson
Associate Pastor
Pastor Julius is a man after God's own heart. He leads his family, along with his wife Pastor Parmecia, with great strength and serves with noteworthy humility. Pastor Jackson is available for Godly counsel, conduct ceremonial ministerial duties, etc. Together he and his wife counsel and offer Married couples resources to build their marriage. (Reboot Marriage Conferences)

Adrienne Chambers
Elder Chambers and her husband Magic Chambers are founding partners of HopeNation. She has a great reservoir or biblical knowledge and is a very reliable resource of Godly counsel. Elder Chambers and her husband have two sons, Carter and Noah. They are Austin natives and own their own hauling business.